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Author: Rainwillow
Status: Still Writing
Series: No Name Yet
Allegiances: None
Preceding: None
Succeeding: Reunited
Spellcheckers: None
ThunderClan are driven out of their home by ShadowClan and WindClan. They have no food or shelter, and their warrior ancestors have given them no sign of where to go. Now it is up to them to find a new place to settle in. Will they find it? Or will they be lost forever?

Prologue 1

"Get out!" hissed Onestar.

WindClan and ShadowClan surrounded ThunderClan.

"We don't need you anymore," snarled Blackstar. "You and your kittypet Clan will leave now."

Brambleclaw shouldered his way forward. "Never!"

"No," rasped a flame colored tom. "Brambleclaw this is a fight we can't win."

The ThunderClan deputy turned around. "Firestar, no! We can't let them drive us out!"

Firestar closed his eyes. "We will have to," he said unhappily. "But only for now."

Brambleclaw hesitated, then nodded.

"You win for now," Brambleclaw snarled, "But ThunderClan will come back!"

The dark brown tabby flicked his tail, and his Clanmates slowly followed him. Firestar was supported by Sandstorm and Squirrelflight, while Cinderheart, expecting Lionblaze's kits, was walking slowly with Lionblaze at her side.

When all the ThunderClan cats were out of the camp, Brambleclaw glared at ShadowClan and WindClan. "We will come back!" he spat.

Then he disappeared after his Clanmates.

Prologue 2

"How could they?" snarled Bluestar. "ThunderClan dserevs better than this!"

A pretty tortoiseshell she-cat padded up to the former ThunderClan leader.

"Spottedleaf," greeted Bluestar. "Have you seen what is happening to ThunderClan right now?"

Spottedleaf nodded. "I'd like to give them a sign, but......"

"But what?" demanded Bluestar.

"Where they are going to.....It's to far away for me to send Jayfeather a sign."

Bluestar closed her eyes.

"Then all we can do now is hope that ThunderClan can survive."

Chapter 1

Brambleclaw tasted the air. It had been a quarter moon since WindClan and ShadowClan drove them out. The dark brown tabby had decided to lead his Clan to the Tribe of Rushing Water, where he knew they would be most welcomed. The Clan was still no where near the mountains, but they were getting closer each day. At least, that was what he thought.

"Firestar," asked Brambleclaw, "Would you like to rest a bit?" The flame colored leader was growing weaker, now that he only had two lives left.

The ThunderClan leader shook his head. "Let's keep going," he croaked weakly.

"No," said Jayfeather, the ThunderClan medicine cat, firmly. "He needs to rest."

Firestar opened his mouth to protest, but Jayfeather gave him a look. "Firestar, you must rest."

The flame colored tom hesitated. "Don't forget," murmured Jayfeather, "Cinderheart needs to rest to."

Firestar looked at the gray tabby queen quickly and then nodded. "Alright," he sighed.

Brambleclaw stopped the Clan. "We'll rest here for the night," he annouced.

"Thanks goodness," mewed Cinderheart, collapsing onto the ground. Lionblaze leaned down and licked her ears. He looked up at Brambleclaw and asked,"Can we hunt?"

Brambleclaw nodded. "Take two or more cats to go with you," he ordered. "Catch as many prey as you can. The Clan needs to be fed."

Lionblaze dipped his head and turned away. "I'll be back soon," he whispered to Cinderheart. Beckoning his tail to Dustpelt and Sandstorm, the three cats left the Clan to hunt.
